The Rexroth part number R900438885 corresponds to the model MG8G1X/V.
The Rexroth part number R900438885 corresponds to the model MG8G1X/V.
This model is an industrial hydraulic valve with a reliable flow limitation at selected ports to a setting value, and is suitable for use in high-performance applications. It is a seat valve that is direct-actuated, which means that it can be operated without the need for a pilot valve.
The valve has a pipe thread G 3/8 ISO 228-1 connection diagram and a maximum pressure of 315 bar (4567 PSI). The maximum flow rate of this valve is 40 liters per minute, making it suitable for use in a variety of hydraulic systems. The spool symbol for this valve is A → B, meaning that the flow passes from port A to port B.
This model has a threaded connection with a size of 8 and a mechanically actuated type of actuation. It has 2 ports and 2 switching positions, making it suitable for simple on/off function. The hydraulic fluid that can be used with this valve include HL, HLP, HLPD, HVLP, HVLPD, HETG, HEES, HEPG, HFDU, and HFDR. The valve has FKM seals and weighs 0.34 kg.
Overall, the MG8G1X/V valve is a high-performance industrial valve that is designed for reliable flow limitation in demanding hydraulic systems.